I mustn’t be seventeen again, with the harsh truths and softened lies,

And all I asked was undying love from a child of a guy, 

And he took my phone, I smashed the screen; both of us left shaking,

And a red gaze over his face, me underneath him quaking,

I mustn’t be seventeen again, waged war with the man in the sky, 

On Friday night with all the fake freedom money could buy, 

And all I asked was a blinding light, cleanse me of my sins, 

And for freedom from this bondage, cat’s cradle I’m trapped in,

I won’t be seventeen again, couldn’t go there if I tried, 

To the victim’s way, to the saviour’s way, to needles in my eyes,

And all I ask now is to pay my debt, set up happy home,

And to give freely of my love, hear laughter that’s my own